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NFC Attends Sino-Kazakhstan Entrepreneurs Symposium


Sino-Kazakhstan Entrepreneurs Symposium organized by Chinese Ministry of Commerce and Kazakhstan's Ministry of Industry and New Technologies was held in Astana on September 26th, 2011. Kazakhstan's First Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Umirzak Shukeev and Chairman of NPC Standing Committee of China Mr. Wu Bangguo attended the symposium.

Mr. Wu gave speech at the symposium, pointed out that besides stable political bilateral relationship, China and Kazakhstan also has enormous economic cooperation potential based on geographical advantage and economic complementarity. On the aspect of energy and mineral resources, one of the key fields in Sino-Kazakhstan cooperation, KAS 250kt/a aluminum smelter with NFC as EPC contractor, the first aluminium smelter in Kazakhstan, was mentioned by Mr. Wu as a highly efficient and energy economical smelter making important contribution to Kazakhstan's industrial and economic development.

NFC president Mr. Wang Hongqian was invited and gave presentation to top leaders and entrepreneurs of two countries at the symposium on NFC's project operation, resources development and fulfilment of social responsibilities in Kazakhstan. Mr. Li Jianguo, vice-chairman of NPC Standing Committee of China highly appraised NFC's achievement and looked forward to its further contribution to Kazakhstan's development as well as Sino-Kazakhstan friendship.

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