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China Development Bank Signs Agreement of Development Financing Cooperation with NFC


On November 30th, 2005, China Development Bank (hereinafter referred to as CDB) signed Agreement of Development Financing Cooperation with NFC,establishing a long-term strategic partner relationship. In the agreement, according to the result of credit evaluation of CDB, CDB will provide 5 billion RMB of policy development loan (including 4 billion RMB mid and long term loan and 1 billion RMB of short term loan) in the next 5 years to NFC and companies NFC has shares, in order to provide NFC effective financing support and service for its BOT and BT projects in fields such as domestic infrastructure construction and basic industry, promoting the development of “Going to the World” projects like overseas non-ferrous metal resource developing project and domestic set equipment exporting projects.
Gao Jian, vice Governor of CDB, attended the ceremony with Luo Tao, Chairman of the Board of NFC, and both of them gave address on ceremony. Fan Rongyi (vice Head of Enterprise Bureau of CDB) and Wang Hongqian (President of NFC) signed the agreement on behalf of CDB and NFC respectively. 

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